Employee Attendance: 5 Ways To Improve
Are you looking for Attendance software? If persistent offenders are not effectively handled, they may also be a source of annoyance for those workers who do the right thing on a more consistent basis. There are things you can take to increase workplace attendance as listed below:
Remind Workers of Their Responsibilities
Ensure that workers are aware of the consequences of excessive absenteeism on the firm, including the productivity of the remaining staff and the quality of the company's service to its customers. You should include this information in your employee handbook, code of conduct, and personal/leave carer's policy and make it evident to new employees during their onboarding.
Take a look at Attendance Logs
Take a closer look at Attendance software to see any trends or patterns in employee absences. As an illustration, consider the case of workers who seem to be off every Monday and Friday, or just before or just after a federal holiday. Confronting a worker and questioning why their absences seem to fall on certain days is not against the law.
A well-defined policy is essential
When an employee is absent, have a clear policy and process in place for them to follow. Employees, for example, might be mentioned. Check out the best HR software.
A manager or someone in a position of power should be informed of their absence, the nature of their sickness, and when they anticipate returning. Employees should not communicate with the receptionist or a coworker through email or text messages. If an employee is dishonest about being unwell, they may hesitate to tell their manager about it. Are anticipated getting back to you by a given day or time. A doctor's certificate or statutory declaration proving their sickness is necessary.
A medical certificate or statutory statement is no longer required under the Fair Work Act of 2009. Workers are instead required to demonstrate to a "reasonable person" that they are unsuitable to return to work under the Personal/Leave Carer's National Employment Standard (NES). Unless sick leave is excessive or there is a clear pattern of single-day absences, such as Fridays and Mondays or every second Thursday, it may not be acceptable to demand workers present a medical certificate for every day missed. The NES does not define "reasonable," thus it's essential to have a clear policy in place limiting what evidence standards are required of your staff. According to the NES, a Modern Award or an Enterprise Agreement may also stipulate evidentiary criteria for personal/leave carers.
Employees should be made aware of the consequences of their actions
Disciplinary measures, including termination, may be used against workers who violate your Personal/Career Leave Policy. Please don't get bogged down in determining whether or not an employee was unwell, but instead, look at their notice and evidence processes to ensure they followed them. A doctor can only do that.
Find Any Unknown Factors
Make a note of any underlying factors. In many cases, low attendance is a symptom of the underlying issue, not the root cause. An employee's excessive use of sick leave may be due to a variety of factors beyond a simple illness:
Problems with drugs and alcohol
Subjects with a coworker or boss at work
Their workload or another component of their job is too much for them.
marriage and family problems
Work-Life Harmonization
It's a good idea to talk to the employee in question and figure out what's going on before taking any disciplinary action. You may then be able to develop a plan of action to deal with the issue. For instance:
Adhere to your company's drug and alcohol policy. Employees who are open to it should have access to drug and alcohol counseling and assistance under the policy.
Many jobs can't be done from afar, and even those that can typically need employees to adhere to strict timetables. You'll need to monitor employee attendance remotely for your whole workforce of full-time, part-time, hourly, and salaried workers to keep them on track with these schedules. The process is complex, but it is possible to keep track of your workers' time and attendance software by following a few easy guidelines. For more details about HRMS software, you may check out https://www.opportunehr.com//.
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